Sunday, February 13, 2011

So I Ponder....Grace....


So I'm sitting here pondering Pastor Ira's message today on the book of John, chapter 1, verses 1 through 18.  This passage is very familiar to us that believe in Jesus Christ and know Him as our Savior.  Understanding that He is the Beginning and the End, He was the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us, I could go on forever!  But what stood out to me most in this passage was verse 16.  And from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.  Merriam-Webster defines GRACE as unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.  Do we deserve this thing called grace?  No!  But God chooses to be our divine assistance, help, comforter, provider, healer and friend.  God has challenged us to walk in the light of His grace and understand and believe that His grace is sufficient for all of our needs.