Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Letting Go and Letting God


So I just posted on Facebook about having to let go of something that I have had almost 37 years and thinking that I should be sad about it.  Ironically, I sit here and think about it from the perspective of things in our life that really are meaningless--things that serve some purpose but do not actually impact your life other than bringing it down when something is wrong with it.  I think of things and relationships that fall into that category most definitely.  Relationships that do more bad than good, things that bring temporary fulfillment and then just become thorns in your side.  This reflection, all over my gallbladder, just proof that God can use any situation to bring you into His likeness.  So tomorrow's the day where I get rid of the thing that has brought me pain and agony for the past six months!  So I'm definitely looking forward to removing it and am thankful for the symbolism that God has shown me!!