Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Reyes Style

So I sit here at 6:20 in the morning on the eve of the day we celebrate our Savior's birth pondering the day and the days ahead.  My, can the Reyes family pack in some although exhausting!  Oh, the thought just occured to me, next year ought to be even more fun!  One more little munchkin!  Last night we had our Christmas dinner with Uncle Drew and Aunt Ann Dove at Outback...YUMMO!  We love those kids!

This year our Christmas present to ourselves is Verizon FIOS!  Lisa would probably say it is a present for me though!  Let's see how that works out.  Now I get to go through changing our email addresses and guess what folks?, we finally have a land line phone after 9 years!  This stuff is actually getting installed today out of all days! for me...Merry Christmas!

Tonight we have our Christmas Eve marathon services that I will be singing at, and actually my parents are excited!  Then we get to head over to Grandma Reyes' house for dinner...yummm some good old fashioned Filipino food!  Masarap!

Last year we started the tradition of having Christmas breakfast over our house for my mom's side of the family.  Since Delaney was old enough to understand Christmas presents, we wanted her to wake up on Christmas morning and open her presents in her house which has worked out great.  I think this year I am gonna make a breakfast casserole, the traditional bacon fried rice, cinnamon rasin bread...and oh Brooks is on the egg station!  Love them eggs Boo!

The marathon begins when we head to Lisa's parents house for lunch and presents.  Talk about a mess load of presents!  Mom's house is over-flowing with gifts!  Usually when the grandkids come, the kid gifts decrease...not at Mom's house!  The gifts keepa comin!  They are such wonderful and generous people, could not ask for better in-laws! 

Then the final leg is to my Aunt Tina's for dinner!  This is always the highlight of my Christmas family memories!  Not quite the same since Papa died though!  He always brought that fun Christmas spirit to the house!  Gosh I miss him!  We'll have awesome food and I'm sure there's gonna be the traditional poker game!  My father-in-law loves this part!

I actually took time off until the New Year...well deserved I say!  I am looking forward to going to St. Louis with Drew (or as he refers my BFAM...AKA brother from another mother!)  Hmmm...the trouble we could get into!

So, just to say amidst the hustle and the bustle of the Christmas season, I pause and say thank you Lord for blessing me the way you have.  Thank you for being willing to come to this earth, live what in our eyes is a substandard life, suffer the way you did and dying on the cross just for me!  So in the spirit of the season, I say Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

First Annual Happy Birthday Jesus Party!

What an awesome time we had for our first annual Happy Birthday Jesus Party!  We had so much fun with all of our friends!  What a way to celebrate the birth of the Savior!  We thank God for the special friends that He has brought into our lives!

Getting ready to make gingerbread houses!

Okay...can the "Godfather" figure this out?

Kylie and Katrina (where's Brad?)

All Delaney wanted was to eat the candy!

The concerned parents!

Happy Birthday to Jesus...Happy Birthday to YOU!

It's not working Mommy!


I'm a pro at Daddy's a trombone player!

Uncle Drew and... no Aunt Ann Dove does not have an illegal smoking device!

But Mommy I want to touch the cake!

Look Daddy...I'm decorating the tree...I mean the house!

Kylie and Katrina

Delaney's gingerbread house.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving - More than Just Turkey!

Thanksgiving just like Christmas and Easter tends to lose their true meaning.  We sit around the table with our gluttenous selves and over indulge.  Not that I am saying I don't enjoy that part, but certainly I think all three of these holidays have truly lost their meanings.

So what is supposed to happen on Thanksgiving other than the obvious?  Although not a biblical holiday of sorts, I believe that perhaps it is a God ordained time to stop and pause and express thanks for all that the Lord has done.  How often do we even do that during the course of the year...God says to give thanks with a grateful heart...there is not a set time or even limitation.  I believe it should be a daily pause of Thanksgiving and especially on this day when we can gather with our family and our friends.

I am currently finishing the book Crazy Love (Overwhelmed by a Relentless God) by Francis Chan.  I can't tell you the impact this read is having on my life.  Not that God's word needs any help but Pastor Chan has used scripture and what I believe to be God ordained words to just open my eyes to what is so real and tangible...God's love.  The subtitle speaks for itself and I have found that I am truly overwhelmed by a Relentless God!  He encourages believers to live like today is your last..because certainly we are not promised tomorrow. 

So in saying this, God has so brought into perspective the life He has given me!  Was my life perfect?  No!  Did I struggle....UH YES - A WHOLE LOT!  But you know what?  I am so thankful for the struggle - I am who I am in Christ because of it! 

So in the spirit of Thanksgiving - I say that I am so very thankful for a God who pursues me daily, for His love and His mercy that covers me!  I am thankful for a godly wife who causes me to be better - who loves me with an unconditional love.  Two beautiful miracles.  Delaney and soon to come Cooper!  He has brought to me a very special friend and brother... Drew I love you man!  You encourage me to be a better man, believer and worshipper!  For my family - I am so thankful to have all of my family here, except of course my Papa!  Oh how I miss were such an awesome man, there is not a day that goes by when I don't think of you.  I see you in the twinkle of my daughter's eye and I know that you are here with me still loving me like you always did!  For my church family - boy have we been through the ringer the past couple of years?  But God is faithful and He will provide because it is His church!

So to you and yours I wish you a very Blessed Thanksgiving - we have so much to be thankful for!

- Jaime

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Okay, so you know something is wrong when your 2 year old daughter's teacher asks if she watches wrestling.  Much to my chagrin, it was a rather amusing question to be asked.  Obviously we do not let Delaney watch wrestling or anything with the least bit of violence.  Unless of course you consider the "Wonder Pets" or "Ni Hao Kailan" violent.  Wait...she does watch "Dora the Explorer" and Swiper is kinda crafty.  Anyway enough about my Nick Jr. discourse! 

It seems that Delaney wanted the toy that Xander was playing with and he did not want to give it to her.  So my sweet princess decided that she would tackle him and jump on him and snatch the toy.  Now mind you, she is a head's length taller than ALL of the kids in her class.  I know that all of you that know my little sweet lady bug will be just as appalled and perhaps amused as well!  Life with a 2 year old is getting more and more interesting!


Monday, November 23, 2009

So much to be thankful for!

Being a husband is such an awesome thing, but I do have to say that being a daddy is equally fulfilling.  Just to watch Delaney learn new things is so fascinating to me.  She truly is a little sponge soaking up everything around her!  She is enjoying school very much and is such a fast learner.  I believe we are now on the letter "G" - so exciting to find out what animal and song will be associated with the letter.  I had the opportunity to go to her Thanksgiving Luncheon and she and her classmates were so cute. 

One More Thing to Update!!!

Okay, so how in the world do you get sucked into the world of blogging anyway? I got dooped into joining Facebook and find myself mezmerized by all of my friends' "status updates"!  I will have to blame Katy Schrodt for the "blog conversion"!  Somehow I was reading her blog and somehow I got signed up - thanks Mrs. Schrodt!  Don't know what in the world I am doing in this environment, but I am sure I will learn!  The test will be getting Lisa to post as well! - Jaime